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Upcoming Courses

Our Courses are designed and arranged in such a way that both novice and intermediate developers can easily jump in and have clear directions from where to set off. We ensure that at the end of each course, you are fully equiped and fit to pick up remote jobs with the option of proceeding to next course based on interest.

Kinly note that only students who are found worthy to have completed all requiresments and scored at least 65% are certified and stand the chance to be linked directly to our partners for remote job opportunities. It is also very important to say however that our training and system have been structured in such a flexible and supportive way that only unserious and undedicated students end up not meeting up with these requirement in the first lap irrespective of your personal schedules.

Irrespective of your schedules and daily routines, our courses are flexible enough to blend in and set you up in the 21st century 'oil and gold' career called Information Technology.

Course One


HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are two of the core technologies for building Web pages. HTML provides the structure of the page, CSS the (visual and aural) layout, for a variety of devices.

Course Two

Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS.

Course Three

Database (SQL and MongoDB)

While SQL databases are used to store structured data, NoSQL databases like MongoDB are used to save unstructured data. MongoDB uses MongoDB Query Language to query unstructured data from the database while SQL Server uses SQL Query Language to Create Tables, Insert, Fetch or Update data in the database. Scalability

Course 4

Introduction to PHP

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. PHP can be embedded in HTML. It is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session tracking, even build entire e-commerce sites.

Course 5


OOP stands for Object-Oriented Programming. PHP introduced object-oriented programming features since version 5.0. Object-Oriented programming is one of the most popular programming paradigms based on the concept of objects and classes. PHP OOP allows you to structure a complex application into a simpler and more maintainable structure.

Course 6

PHP and Laravel

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony

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